Author: Mark Nicholson
Moog Opus 3 – Mint example
Kawai SX-240 Brass+Pad Patch
Wavestation SR + Prophet VS emulation = instant film soundtrack
After loading up the old Wavestation SR with some Prophet VS classics, and using an external editor with liberal amounts of effects, you get an instant film soundtrack machine. …
Yamaha CS-80 “Blade Runner Brass” sound on a few synths
One of the most iconic synth sounds on a ton of different synths. Can any of them match up to a Yamaha CS80?
Dry intro followed by same version with effects on each synth except for the Toy Yamaha PSS-470
Roland Super JX10
Unison 2 Upper and Lower
Whole Mode
Moog Memorymoog
3 VCOs Stacked
Juno 6 (Tubbutec Juno 66) 3 Voice stacked dual DCO mode
Kiwitechnics Kiwisix
Tubbutec Polysex (Poly voice detuning)
Yamaha Pss-470
Wet only, added Alesis Midiverb 1 to signal chain
Ensoniq SQ-80
3 OSC Stacked
Kawai K3m
No internal effects
Clipping is happening internally even with the VCA turned down.
Waldorf Microwave 1
OS 2.0 Rev B
Yamaha SK-30
Solo Synth Section + Polysynth Section