GH1 vs GH2 low light anamorphic comparison

Here’s a quick little vlog testing the differences between the GH1 and GH2 (exact same settings) at ISO 1600 and 3200 respectively.

The GH2 has come quite a ways forward from the GH1 in terms of processing high ISO video.

Panasonic GH1 vs GH2 – first test – 720p resolution

Here’s the first sample of the GH1 vs the GH2 in 720p mode.

We see that the GH2 720p mode appears to resolve more detail at the expense of aliasing, something which the GH1 has very little in 720p mode. However, the GH2 has less sharpening, obvious by the halation around the black lines. Next is to test this in motion

PS3 Winner

The 2010 PS3 Winner is Emily L. from Wisconsin. Your PS3 will arrive before Christmas!

LA7200 anamorphic lens tutorial series #1

Here is the first video in a new series of tutorials for the Panasonic LA7200G anamorphic adapter. We’ll be diving into its flaws at multiple focal lengths and apertures.

This first video focuses on the 14-140 lens and using the adapter wide open from 17mm to 70mm

GH1 at 2400×1080 – LA7200 at Sacramento Capital

Thanks to the youtube “Original” quality mode, you can now enjoy anamorphic videos like the one below in super high resolution, higher than any other online streaming site. While the quality is not as good as looking at the raw files, it certainly makes for a whole new online viewing experience.

This video was shot during the testing of our LA7200 adapter in preparation for a new anamorphic lens tutorial series.