All Panasonic GH1 bodies soon to be hackable!

Vitality announced on his website today that he is able to downgrade unhackable gh1s to version 1.32. This will allow any GH1 to run the GH13 bitrate and battery patches!

Hurry up and buy a body for $399 before they disappear!

Link to vitality’s site

Buy the GH1 body from B&H for $399 before there gone!GH!k

Hacked Panasonic GH1 (100mb) vs GH2 Round 2


Full Size 1080p PNG files above.

So in this second test with the new lpowell patch for Vitality’s GH1 Hack, we test Color, Dynamic Range and Fine Detail without overloading the codec on the GH1 to the point of crashing, but at the same time have a full range of light to compare the two cameras. Both were at their lowest ISOs which provides the most amount of Dynamic Range. At the same time both cameras used the Smooth Profile.

GH2 vs Canon 7D vs Hacked GH1

Here are some of the latest comparison videos we’ve done with the new Panasonic GH2

GH1 vs GH2 low light anamorphic comparison

Here’s a quick little vlog testing the differences between the GH1 and GH2 (exact same settings) at ISO 1600 and 3200 respectively.

The GH2 has come quite a ways forward from the GH1 in terms of processing high ISO video.…

LA7200 anamorphic lens tutorial series #1

Here is the first video in a new series of tutorials for the Panasonic LA7200G anamorphic adapter. We’ll be diving into its flaws at multiple focal lengths and apertures.

This first video focuses on the 14-140 lens and using the adapter wide open from 17mm to 70mm