Epic Gunshot Win: Ridiculous Assassination

Description: A short action scene originally made for the Sprint Epic Movie commercial contest 2010 (and rejected for unspecified reasons). This over-the-top kill is a walk in the park for this unquestionably precise, clever and creative mafia hitman known only as Rend. After cleaning his Colt .45 1911 he delivers death, not from above, but from the depths below.

Gear: Canon 5D2, SV Tungsten light, small 3200k ikea lamps for highlights. LED flashlights for lense flares and accents. Sound recorded with a Sennheiser me66 shotgun mic and Zoom H4n combo. Lens was an Iscorama 36 anamorphic + a cheap Digital Concepts diopter 4-piece set from ebay.

First AF100 Footage on Vimeo

Here’s the first streaming footage of the Panasonic AF100. Footage looks exactly as I expected it to. It is a DSLR sensor with a proper OLPF, so things that DSLR shooters are used to, like false detail, appear to be gone. As soon as the production model is ready, we should see native files from the camera available.

We shot at an ISO of 200. Shutter off (shutter wasnt engaging to 180 so we left it)

We rolled internally to SDHC cards and then externally to a AG HPG20 recording AVC Intra 100.

Gamma was the 709 standard, Matrix HD Norm.. everything else set of 0.

We used a 24mm, 50mm and & 85mm for almost everything, Sitting at about t4 for most of it,, and wide open t1.9 on a couple of those shots. All Carl Zeiss Ultra Primes.

$4795 AF100 Pre-Order online at B&H

Well it’s coming, and it cheaper than expected. B&H is the first website to put up pricing today for the new Panasonic AF100 DSLR Hybrid Video camera.


Start saving your pennies, folks. This is the camera you’ve been waiting for.